Generations (ShiftEd 21 #6)

While we have highlighted only one major “starter” resource for the topic areas so far, the generations are such a complex area that we thought we’d suggest two:

1.     The Pew Internet & American Life Project provides continuing research into how the generations compare in their lives online.  Take a look at the Generations 2010 chart on the Pew site and consider whether it reflects your experience.  And be sure to click around and explore the other information the site offers about generations.

2.     Get the free download of Eric Greenberg’s Generation We, a book we reference in Shift Ed, and explore the other Millennial generation resources on the site.

How are differences among generations reflected in education in your community? Comment and share your perspectives. Here. also, is an introduction to the Millennials from the Generation We site:

The Future of Education (ShiftEd21 #5)

Image of the 6 drivers of education change for the Future of Knowledge site

The Knowledge Foundation has put together a great site on Creating the Future of Learning that covers six “drivers of change” (all of which we touch on in one way or another in Shift Ed):

What do you think? Are you experiencing these drivers in your own life? How can we prepare our children effectively to deal with them?

As always, comment here, on Facebook, and/or on Twitter to share your thoughts. And be sure to include the phrase or tag/hashtag “whatifschools” in whatever you post.

Education Across the Globe (ShiftEd21 #4)

As we think and act towards transforming education in the United States, it’s important to develop an understanding of education in other parts of the world. Our view is that we need to do this not simply with an eye towards how we can compete better, bit towards how we might think differently about education [Read Full Post]

Shift Ed 21# 3 – Where We May Be Going

Nobody knows with certainty what the future holds, but by contemplating the possibilities, we can be better prepared to shape a positive path. Ray Kurzweil, a respected inventor, author, and futurist, is well-known for his provocative vision of future in which humans and machines converge. In the brief video below, he discusses this vision and [Read Full Post]

Where We Are (ShiftEd21 #2)

In Shift Ed, we write about a number of ways in which the world has changed – and education hasn’t.  Naturally, we aren’t the only ones focused on this topic. Even as David was writing many of the posts that would form the basis for The Shift Age, educators Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod posted [Read Full Post]

Gather Your Tools (ShiftEd21: #1)

The only way to transform education is by making sure as many people as possible are aware, listening, and involved.  Fortunately, we all now have access to tools that can help us communicate more easily than ever with people across town, across the country, and across the world. These, by the way, are some of [Read Full Post]